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Children Ministries

Grace Bible Church Plantation provides age appropriate Sunday school classes, where children are taught the Word of God.
The goal of our children’s ministry is not to entertain children or to pander to their fallen sinful desires but rather to raise them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:1-4) so that they might come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 3:15) and adorn the gospel in a life of holiness (Tit. 2:10) as the next generation of the church (Ps. 78). At GBCP we teach parents that they bear the primary responsibility of shepherding their child’s soul, and therefore they must constantly and continually teach them the Word of God all week long both by example and exhortation.

Our goal is not to supplant the parents of their role and responsibility nor to act as a substitute for them but rather to come alongside of them and to support them and strengthen them by providing supplementary teaching in addition to all the teaching their children are already receiving from them at home all week long. At GBCP we simply seek to aid parents in three very specific ways:

1) By providing children with exposure to the stories of the bible and ultimately to the gospel
2) By providing children with the theological foundations of the Christian faith
3) By providing children with opportunities to observe and practice basic Christian disciplines

Nursery Care

Grace Bible Church Plantation provides comfortable and safe nursery care for toddlers and infants during both the Sunday School hour and main Worship Service. We also provide privacy for nursing mothers.